December 2013
wish that I could consider this as a type of retirement bliss
who would tokerate this kind of treatment?
I am, again. Back for more. Yesterday was really crazy. I keep
finding out more about how this facility works, I'm not impressed.
Apparently the time around Thanksgiving until Christmas is a slow
time for the nursing home/rehabilitation industry. People just are
not scheduling elective surgeries and therefore there is not much
need for the rehab that most nursing homes offer (like this one)
during this time of the year.
the floor that I am on is designed to accommodate 40 people, most of
them stacked like cord wood in a room (2 residents per room, very
little privacy, providing unwanted and intimate information about the
assigned roommate) this place shows in many ways how it is designed
to work with people as objects rather than living breathing
human beings. When there are 40 people on the floor there are four
CENA staff assigned to help care for them. As the population drops
from 40 the CENA staff is trimmed appropriately (whatever that may
mean). Yesterday there were only 30 on this floor and so the
intelligence that guides the administration of this place demanded
that only two CENAs be shceduled.
to be fair, the staff Christmas party was shceduled for last night.
So the administration was probably concidering not filling too many
daily slots to allow the CENAs to be able to make the party. (Hint,
most of the ones I spoke with had no wishes to attend)
there are some individuals who come here and they are destined for
only short-term rehabilitation, a matter of three or four weeks. Some
of these individuals have never lived in a communal situation,
military barracks, dormitories, or other groups living situations.
Judging by the way they act, they are the center of their own
universe. Think of it as someone living at the small end of the
funnel, and everything else falls in towards where they inhabit.
There is a man two doors down that insists the call light is not
fast enough. Sometimes he doesn't even condescend to using the call
light button. He just bangs on the table and calls out for the nurse
in a demanding tone. On the occasions when the CENA staff does attend
to his insistence on help, he asks them to do lightweight things that
he could do himself, like fluff his pillow or turn down his
sheet/blanket slightly. There are a few people that come through this
place who are so demanding, most of us can hardly wait for them to
rehabilitate enough to move on home.
was one of those days. My understanding was there only 30 people on
this floor so only two CENA staff were scheduled. This is woefully
inadequate. Shortly after lunch I felt the internal movement
indicating there was a bowel about to make itself present. Knowing
the drill, I pressed the call light and waited for one of the CENAs
is to come by, to whom I would indicate that I felt a bowel movement
impending. Upon which the CWNA would leave to fetch the lift-stand
which is used to help get me out of bed and position me over the
commode. It only took her 10 minutes to respond (about normal), I
indicated my need and she informed me that she would go get the
lift-stand. She left at 1:25 PM, I never saw her again. Knowing that
the shift changes at 2 o'clock. I believe we had enough time to
locate the machinery, extricate me from bed, position me over the
commode, do my business, and be returned to bed in about 10 to 15
was quite puzzled, not to mention very uncomfortable, when half an
hour after she left I still had no CENA in appearance. I ring the
call light again and another CENA appeared wearing her jacket
indicating that she was ready to leave as her shift was nearly done.
I indicated my condition and that I had been attended to but not
finalized, half an hour earlier. I got a partial answer when this
individual left as well. After another 20 minutes I got my cell phone
and called the front desk and asked to be run up to the third floor
nursing station, whereupon I indicated to the nurse who answered my
predicament. She indicated that they were very short staffed but she
would have someone come by shortly.
I'm waiting for someone, anyone to come by driving a lift-stand, I'm
trying to picture how it is that whoever administers this place
figures because there are less bodies in the facility, that those who
are here suddenly don't have physical needs or bodily functions that
need to be attended to. This just boggles my mind.

some strange reason I'm reminded of that when I see the individuals,
(mostly women) who run this facility. I have found that other than
polite “hello” chit chat, there is no talking to them. They do
not want to know what you have to say or see or feel. Don't approach
them with your version of a problem, they can't hear it and they
won't tolerate it. It's sad. But that's what I have to work with.
an hour and a half of discomfort yesterday, I finally was helped with
two CENA staff that had come on for the second shift (with whom I
have never had any problems). It is sad that residents of this
facility have to put up with this sort of physical discomfort just in
attending to what are their usual daily bodily functions. I haven't
done anything wrong. I have not been convicted of any crime to be
treated like this. And yet I know that state prisoners are afforded
better care than this.
I have mentioned some of the kitchen proclivities in the past. To
some it may sound like complaining, however I used to be a good cook
and had a kitchen that had all the right tools. Yesterday at lunch
the kitchen sent up another mound of instant mashed potatoes (which I
normally do not eat, on general principles - potato flakes in a box
are not a real food source, besides they taste like cardboard box),
some steamed cauliflower, and two hot dogs (euphemistically referred
to as tube steakes). What was interesting is that the kitchen set up
this fine culinary repast with no condiments. No mustard, no ketchup.
There was however, packets of salt and pepper. Now, I have yet to
find a hot dog that needs extra salt. I found this to be somewhat
insulting. Fortunately, I had a few packets of mustard and ketchup
that I had saved from other meals, just for occasions like this. For
the evening meal this same kitchen sent up a wonderful stuffed
pepper, with another helping of the ubiquitous white stuff (instant
mashed potatoes). And for this entrée they figured that nobody
needed utensils. Luckily I had the presence of mind to save a spoon
from one my previous meals. With that I eat the stuffed green pepper
and my salad. When the CNEA of the evening came by to retrieve my
plate, I indicated that it was a fine meal, however, next time I
would appreciate some utensils with which to eat it.
was aghast, I was once again bemused. What better addition to insult
the residents here who have gone through a day of reduced staffing?
More later, now I have to recover.
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